The Adar is the sacred fire of the Zoroastrians (Parsis).
The fire symbolizes purity, the essence of life, and the presence of
God. In the Zoroastrian creation story, fire is the last creation, but
brings life to all that came before it. It is a similar concept to the Ruach ha Elohim, (Holy Spirit) in the Hebrew scriptures. The sacred flame is presided over by Asha Vahista (“Holiest Truth,”) one of the Amesha Spentas or “bounteous immortals,” divine beings similar to Archangels. It is fed with offerings of sandalwood from worshipers.
sacred fire is kept burning continuously in Zoroastrian temples, and
Zoroastrians must pray only in the presence of a fire. The Adar is the
origin of the idea of an “eternal flame.” The sacred flame in the
temple at Yazd (Iran) has reportedly burned continuously for fifteen
hundred years.Some
biblical scholars have speculated that the story of Moses and the
burning bush may have its origins in Zoroastrian mythology.
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