Monday, November 12, 2012

Sheela-na-gig (Síla na Géige)

The Sheela-na-gig is a shocking, immediately noticeable figure found in Celtic medieval stonework. Sheela is most commonly depicted as a squat, ugly female creature using her hands to display grotesquely large genitals. Sheelas of various ages adorn stone steles all over the Irish countryside ; they are also found in the intricate carvings in cathedrals and stone churches in ireland, England, and throughout Europe, often in tandem with the Green man. Sheela is very likely related to the ancient Celtic Goddess; her images are much older than the churches they often appear in, suggesting they are elements of much older religious sites. Many closely resemble ancient Viking figures of a creator goddess Ormgudinna.
A Sheela. To see a gallery of Sheelas: Sheela-na-gig

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