Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Lotus (Padme)

The Lotus is one of the eight auspicious signs of Buddhism- an eight petaled lotus used in Buddhist mandalas symbolizes cosmic harmony, a thousand petaled lotus, spiritual illumination. A bud symbolizes potential. The well known Buddhist mantra, “Om mane padme,” refers to the “jewel in the lotus,” the spark of enlightenment present in every living being. The lotus symbol in Buddhism is of course drawn from thousands of years of use in Vedic religion, where it symbolizes purity, illumination, and unfolding potential. As in Egyptian symbolism, the lotus is observed to rise from a tiny seed in the mud to unfold into a beautiful bloom as it reaches the sunlit surface, making it a natural emblem of growth and transformation. The thousand-petaled lotus is the emblem of the highest spiritual attainment, the opening of the crown chakra at the top of the head that occurs when kundalini energy moves through the purified chakras. The lotus in both Hinduism and Buddhism serves as the seat of wisdom for gods and illuminated beings. The earliest prayer-beads were made from the dried seeds of the lotus. Color symbolism in Buddhism: The lotus in Buddhism has numerous aspects according to its color and the numeration of its petals. An eight-petaled lotus represents the ashtamangals, or eight auspicious symbols that embody the eight principles of the Dharma (sacred law). A white lotus symbolizes purity and spiritual perfection. A red lotus, passion and love. A blue lotus bud is an emblem of intelligence and communication. A pink lotus is the emblem of transcendence.

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